When God Started Speaking To Me

If you follow my story, you may already know I lost my son Ethan at four months at the beginning of 2015 from a rare skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa.

The Lord started speaking to me through different people. I found comfort in his words, peace in his presence and hope in his revelations. I was able to begin an intimate relationship with God where he is the center of my world, he fills my house everyday with new things and he shows me truths I have never known.

I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. It was rare for my family to go to our neighborhood Catholic church, less than 10 times a year. I believed in God but I had no idea how alive he was, how much we could feel him move in our encounters with his presence and how close we could be with him. Once I got married I started going to church with my husband, He grew up going to church and had a relationship with Jesus. Growing up I always talked to God in my alone time, and sometimes read my bible, but it wasn’t until our son passed that I wanted to actually have a personal relationship with Jesus. I wanted a new start. I wanted to give God my brokenness and exchange it for peace. I wanted to know what was there for us after death. I couldn’t have Ethan back but could I make it to him? God had been knocking on the door of my heart and I didn’t have to go far to let him in. I had everything I needed in my living room. A radio to play worship music, a bible and, most important of all, a phone book with Godly friends and mentors.

I started reading my bible and listened to worship music EVERYDAY. I completely surrender to the lord. I’m not talking about believing that Jesus exists and going to church every Sunday. I’m talking about letting God change me into becoming the best version of myself. Removing the things I put first before God. I wanted to read the bible and actually APPLY IT.  The more I read the bible I realized the Lord was speaking to me, highlighting specific verses to me. The Holy Spirit was leading me to being in alignment with the will of God for my life. I had no expectation or knowledge over God’s supernatural word: healing the sick, prophesying, seeing angels, or having authority over the enemy. But I knew God was leading me to those wonders not everyone has experienced. I thought only pastors or “special people” get to have these Gifts from God, but that’s not true. Everyone can operate with these gifts of miracles and spiritual authority. God created us to walk in the supernatural with him everyday.

The lord wants a relationship with every one of us and he wants to give us visions and dreams to strengthen our faith. When we have a relationship with him we aren’t confused, we know what our purpose is and what he is calling us to do and you will never be more sure of anything being realized than what he has promised you. At first, I didn’t know I was having prophetic visions. I was fully awake but felt like I was watching a mini video clip and totally forgot where I was at that moment. The Lord wanted me to speak truth and prophesied over people so they can receive a God given word on their lives. I also started having prophetic dreams about one of the gifts the Lord had for me and it was later confirm by pastors which is incredible because I have never mentioned my dreams to them, but God wanted to remind me and confirm this gift to me.

I started joining different conferences from pastors who were blessed in the prophetic and healing gifts. I felt a tug at my heart to enter into a school of Ministry. The first day of class they prophesied over everyone and told me I was going to start having heaven encounters. Months later I went to a training at another church at a different city and they again prophesied they saw God taking me to “realms in heaven”. At first, I had no idea God planned to let me encounter his presence in this way, I couldn’t understand how it was possible. How could heaven be available to us on earth? I had only heard about people seeing some version of heaven after their heart stopped for a while and they came back to continue living. My belief for that sort of thing was little to none. I wasn’t even sure how I was going to start having these type of visions. My heaven encounters happened at a time when I was deep in Gods presence, worshiping him and that’s how Jesus took me to these encounters through visions.

Acts 2:17-“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams”

Because I was hungry for so much more of a life with God, He has revealed so much more to me. I wish I could describe all that he has shown me but I couldn’t put it into words. But the evidence is in my heart that is at peace after losing Ethan. He has healed my wounds. He gave me Joy again and so much HOPE.  Heaven is real and Jesus has shown me how beautiful and peaceful it is in the Kingdom of God. I wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have Jesus. I’m so grateful for the tremendous love He has for us that He gave His life for us. For you! So remember, there’s no such thing as “special people” to operate in God’s spiritual Gifts. God wants to use you the way you are now and you can begin to operate in the spirit the moment Jesus Christ enters your life. Only He can change your life. Only He can remove anxiety, depression, and grief from your life.

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 

for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same[a] Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

7 thoughts on “When God Started Speaking To Me

  1. I’ve told you from the beginning since the day you lost Ethan to watching you grow in the Lord how much I admire your faith. I’m so grateful you looked to Him for healing because He is the only one who can heal such a deep wound as the one y’all had. I followed you before you had Ethan but I didn’t know that your faith wasn’t like how it is now since losing him. Keep speaking truth. This world needs it. It needs God!


  2. Beautiful testimony! I too received Jesus into my heart that exact year, through my co workers, the children I worked with and finally when undiscovered spirit 105.3 from Seattle wa, mercy me , Lauren daigle and Chris Tonkin my heart, tears of joy of this beautiful feeling that brings shivers to my skin EVERY SINGLE TIME I LISTEN TO GOSPEL ITs like I’m asking god to feel into my soul for sometimes I can’t get it to words what I feel. But he is faithful and he is with him. Truthfully I began to see Jesus during the time I was going through through a difficult time, an abusive relationship. I began to question what purpose in life was, I was alone, no friends nearby until I truly began to see god through the arguments between my children’s father because I realized he needed Jesus just as much as I did for he didn’t know what he was doing. it took me 7 years for me to open my heart to Jesus during our relationship. Bcus I didn’t know him then, didn’t have the right people help me lead me to him. I felt god put me through what I went through to get to him. Bcus it was then that I truly needed him. I wish it didn’t have had to been that way but it was and I’m happy for his plan happy I went through what I did bcus it made me a better person but more importantly I found Jesus. Your story touched my heart and I followed your story that day you put up a picture of Ethan and told us he had taken his final breath tears flown down my face and I cried bcus I felt your pain. I barely had given birth to my son that same month oct 11 three weeks before Ethan and I couldn’t imagine ur pain, I held my son tighter ever since. God bless you Norma, your family and your husband. for god it with you.


  3. I believe you when you say heaven is real, I believe you because I as a young child witness it with my own eyes ! I believe in God I believe he is in us I believe he is part of my life day by day I know he heals my pain , when I wan to cry or I feel sad I say that you Jesus for allowing me to feel the pain thank you for healing my pain! I believe In God!! I love your story and I love who you are xoxo…


  4. You are amazing Norma, your words and your way of speaking of the Lord is just amazing, I have been following you since before Ethan passed which was when Jackie Rivera shared a wonderfull picture of Ethan for prayers. I cried your baby like it was mine and till today I get tears in my eyes when I start looking at his pictures… I admire you even though I don’t know you personally( hopefully we can meet one day)… Praise the Lord your words are so amazing, I am glad that the Lord has healed your wounds and you are right he is the only one that can heal that kind of pain loosing a son/daughter…

    May God continue blessing you and your wonderfull family.

    Love, Nina


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