“God Speaks To Children Through Dreams”

Our favorite part of each morning is coming together and asking each other if we remember having any dreams. My oldest daughter Lily gets excited whenever God gives her a dream. I write her dreams down in her dream journal and we try to interpret the dream after praying about it. When we journal it makes it easy for us to go back and reference each dream as they come to pass.

My daughter usually finds it hard to remember her dreams. All last year she only remembered 3 or 4 dreams that entire year and this is after praying that she might remember them. She desired for more dreams so we prayed together for this. She listened to worship music as she fell asleep but she still couldn’t remember more. She always heard me talk about my dreams every morning and how God spoke to me through them. I’m a big dreamer. I remember my dreams almost everyday. There were times that the only time she would dream was when she would sleep in my bed that night. There was a stirring inside her heart to hear God through dreams as well. .

In the beginning of 2020 my husband and I fasted. Lily wanted to also fast with us but because she is only 6, we told her she couldn’t fast food. So she decided to fast juice and cookies for 21 days. The reason for her fasting was for God to give her more prophetic dreams. It was challenging for her every time she saw another child eat a cookie or drink juice. She would set time aside everyday to pray because she wanted to know God deeper. The dreams she had in the past have brought a smile on her face. Lily felt the love of Father God as he showed her how much He loves her and is watching over her. God has also revealed to her spiritual gifts she will develop and areas of ministry that she has been given a passion for. In one of her dreams God was giving her a microphone where she will sing and release healing to others as she worships God. Lily felt so special and known because she always loved to worship and sing praises to God. Dreams are much more than involuntary thoughts they are one of the ways God communicates with us.

Since the end of her fast, she has had at least 4 dreams in just one month! She has also had a lot of visions from God since then. The bible talks a lot about fasting. We can receive breakthrough, healing and even go deeper in our relationship with God. God speaks to everyone through dreams even to the unbelievers though not every dream is from God. Prophetic dreams should point us back to God and His word.

I want to encourage you today to start writing your children’s dream down in a journal. We get to help stir our child’s gifts, talents and passions when it aligns to God’s word. After all, God is the one who puts those passions in us for His purpose. God is always speaking and trying to communicate with us in one way or another. When we seek him with all of our heart, He gives more than we can imagine. God is good!

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

2 thoughts on ““God Speaks To Children Through Dreams”

  1. I am so proud of you Lily and I know the Lord will used your all the gifts and talents he gave you for his kingdom praise his beautiful name to him the glory and the honor Amen alleluyah!


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